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APSE Parks and Open Spaces Seminar 2015

APSE Parks and Open Spaces Seminar 2015


This event has been sponsored by Amazone


View full seminar flyer here 

APSE is pleased to announce this unique opportunity to examine the public value of UK Parks, innovative approaches to park management and new ways of securing local engagement with park life.

This seminar will include the outcome of the APSE State of the Parks Survey 2015, a progress update on the 11 RE-thinking Parks projects (Nesta, Heritage Lottery Fund and Big Lottery Fund (England)) and explore ways of engaging the local community through social media, volunteer programmes and in the management of sports pitches and allotments.

Speakers include Sue Ireland, City of London Corporation regarding the Parks Alliance’s recent advocacy work, Daniel Raven-Ellison, Guerrilla Geographer who is spear-heading the campaign to make London a National Park City, Nick Grayson from Birmingham City Council will be sharing about the Biophilic Cities project and Emma Phillimore (DEFRA) will be speaking about the recently written National Pollinator Strategy.

A day not to be missed, this will be an inspiring and informative day, with wonderful opportunities to meet and speak with others engaged in addressing the challenges of delivering Parks and Open Space services today.

Be part of this conversation about our vital parks



Nick Grayson, Climate Change and Sustainability Manager
Birmingham City Council

Wayne Priestley, Principal Advisor
Association for Public Service Excellence

Emma Phillimore, Communications and Policy Manager

Leesa Herbert, Head of the Infrastructure Development Team
The National Council for Voluntary Organisations

Martin Stanton, Parks and Open Spaces Manager
London Borough of Havering

Dawn O’Brien, Service Development Officer, Public Realm- PLACES
Wolverhampton City Council

Lydia Ragoonanan, Programme Manager
Nesta, Heritage Lottery Fund and Big Lottery Fund (England)

Shirley Blake, Bloomsbury Programme Manager
London Borough of Camden

Sue Ireland, Head of Open Spaces
City of London Corporation

Daniel Raven-Ellison
Greater London National Park Campaign













Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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