Harrogate International Centre
Friday 20 March 2015
View Full Seminar Information
Seminar objectives
‘Parks In A Changing Climate’ examines the changing roles of parks and greenspaces, and their importance across a number of different agendas, including health and well-being , promoting and protecting biodiversity, mitigating the effects of climate change as well as still remaining a vital part of the fabric of the natural environment. In order to meet these growing responsibilities parks and greenspace managers are having to look at new approaches as to how they operate on a day to day, basis through the use of new and improved technology, introducing new plant management techniques, making better use of the resources they have and even allowing nature to play a greater part in ensuring the sustainability of such assets. All of this is set against a backdrop of some of the most severe funding cuts ever experienced in the history of parks and green space management. As such faced with diminishing resources, there is a need to ensure the backbone of these services, the staff, are suitably trained and ready for the challenges ahead.
The seminar intends to highlight the value of parks to everyday life and the wider health of the environment. Topics will include presentations on international projects such as biophilic cities where the human need to be close to nature is explained, the recently published National Pollinator Strategy outlining the importance of pollinating insects to food security and greenspace sustainability, how allowing wildflower meadows not only improves public satisfaction but can also save grounds maintenance costs. On a similar vein, the Met Office will show how through the use of weather forecasts, both staff resource and maintenance costs can be saved. Continuing on a climate theme speakers will outline how parks management needs to be adapted to mitigate the effects of climate change. As always,there will be case studies on how innovative approaches to resource management, and health and safety, has led to improved service delivery and staff safety.
By bringing together a range of diverse and interesting speakers, APSE hopes to show how there is still a bright future for our parks and greenspaces at a time when public usage is increasing whilst funding is becoming harder to hold on to.
Experienced speakers will address key issues including:
• APSE’s State of the Parks Survey 2015
• Generating income in a parks environment
• Integrating nature into everyday living through adopting a biophilic city approach
• The value of pollinating insects to the future of the natural environment
• Wildflower meadow development
• How weather forecasting can improve parks and greenspace management
• Adapting parks to meet the climate change challenge
• Staff safety when maintaining slopes and banks
• Making a sustainable peat free product and saving money
• Biosecurity – future threats to our trees and plants
• Maintaining a parks ranger service in an age of austerity
APSE Perspective
Mo Baines, Head of Communication and Coordination, APSE
Addressing the basic human need for nature in a rapidly urbanising world - The Biophilic Cities Project
Nick Grayson, Climate Change and Sustainability Manager, Birmingham City Council
The National Pollinator Strategy - how parks and gardens must help to conserve pollen-rich habitats
Tasha Niesen, Defra
Pictorial Meadows Seed Mixes - new meadow solutions that work in practice
Sue France, CEO, Pictorial Meadows and Green Estates
Using weather forecasts to help plan Grounds Mauntenance activities
Richard Stedall, The Meteorological Office
Biosecurity future threats to plants and trees
Derek McCann, Principal Plant Health and Seeds Inspector, Animal and Plant Health Agency
Changing the Climate of Traditional Parks Management
Bill Cooper, Policy, Projects and Performance Manager, Wirral Council
Managing Banks and Slopes Safely
Dr. Andrew Turner, HM Principal Inspector of Health and Safety, Agriculture, Waste and Recycling Sector