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APSE Housing, Construction and Building Maintenance Seminar 2017

Building Safer, Stronger and Sustainable Communities
Thursday 5 and Friday 6 October 2017
Radisson Blu Hotel Liverpool

View the full programme here




Building homes, creating communities: Ensuring councils provide innovative solutions to meeting housing need 

Mo Baines, Head of Communication and Coordination, APSE 


Delivering on housing need 

 Anthony Mousdale, Liverpool City Council 


What can be delivered?  The Stoke on Trent Housing Offer

Carl Brazier, Director of Housing and Customer Services, Stoke on Trent City Council


Influencing the Private Rented Sector

Melville Evans, Strategic Housing and Reg Manager, Flintshire County Council


Local Authorities, housing and the legal perspective 

Robert Starr, Director of Regulatory and Compliance, Walker Morris


Get management right 

Eamon McGoldrick, Chief Executive, National Federation of ALMO’s


Working with  Private Rented Housing providers: Discretionary licensing, self-regulation, and homelessness

Andrew Goodacre, Chief Executive, Residential Landlord Association


Retro Fitting Sprinklers – the business case

Dave Baxter, Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue 


See something, Do Something. Safeguarding is everyone’s business

Denise Hooper and Sarah Cash, Children’s Services, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council


Delivering more for less

Roger Grannon, Chief Operations Officer, Kingstown Works Ltd


Secured by Design

 Michael Brooke, SBD NBA Lead & Development Officer, Secured by Design


Tackling the challenges of failing insulation retrofits and safeguarding your housing stock

Rob McCormack, Director, BBACIT Ltd


From Renfrewshire to Malawi

Elaine Scott, Senior Facilities Manager, Renfrewshire Council 


Building Construction Resilience

Hugh Lambourne, Head of Construction, Bournemouth Borough Council 


Voids Turnkey Model

Allan Baclay and Barry McMurdo, Fife Council 


Doncaster Central Heating Scheme 

Duncan McCombie, CEO, Yes Energy Solution, and Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council



Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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