Assets: A local industrial strategy for council income generation, commercialisation and investments
Friday 13 January 2017
Imperial War Museum North, Salford Quays, Manchester
This seminar will explore the next steps in local authority income generation. Whilst councils are already on with developing additional sources of income from charging and trading in services the funding gaps are now so great that radical action is becoming an imperative. Some councils are aiming for self-sufficiency and whilst this may not be a viable aim for many councils, nor necessarily desirable from a public policy perspective, one way to work towards sizeable additional income is to consider investments.
Investments could be in assets such as offices, shops and retail or even hotels. Councils have also developed innovative schemes on local authority energy and local authority housing companies to provide social homes for rent as well as future income streams. APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a body of over 200 Local Authorities across the UK, existing to further the development of excellent local services.
Durham – a place to invest
Stuart Timmis, Head of Planning and Assets, Durham County Council