The Local Authority Housing Company National Seminar 2018
Wednesday 17 January 2018
Birmingham Repertory Theatre, Birmingham
This seminar brings together those local councils with housing companies and those wishing to develop housing companies. Sharing the policy context as well as practical and professional considerations this seminar is a must-attend event for housing professionals, developers, commercialisation and transformation leads as well as local councillors, including leaders, executive and cabinet members, scrutiny members and those with an interest in housing need.
The Policy Context
Paul O’Brien, Chief Executive, APSE
Research findings on Local Authority Housing Companies
Paul Hackett, Director, Smith Institute
Financial models for housing developments
Sukvinder Kalsi, Housing and Planning Panel, CIPFA
Ensuring good corporate governance
Richard Auton, Consultant, Walker Morris LLP
Meeting Passivhaus Standards
Jon Bootland, Chief Executive, The Passivhaus Trust
Sheffield Housing Company
John Clephan, Project Director, Sheffield Housing Company