The seminar follows on from the launch of the report ‘Securing the future of public sport and leisure services’. This joint report sets out some of the systemic problems within public sports and leisure services; how these issues have been entrenched in the current financial models of operation, which fail to recognise the public value of the service; and how these challenges have been exacerbated by a decade of austerity preceding the COVID-19 pandemic, which has further stressed the sector’s finances. We will be looking at the challenges of refocussing a service and asking some fundamental questions about the nature of service provision in the future. We are joined by leading industry speakers to address the issues and possible solutions.
Opening Plenary: ‘Securing the future of Local Authority Leisure’
Rob Bailey, Principal Advisor, APSE
Alex Hains, Head of Business Engagement, Swim England
Mark Allman, CLOA and APSE Associate
‘Uniting The Movement’
Russell Turner, Strategic Lead (Local Delivery), Sport England
Climate Change and Physical Activity
Charlotte Banks, Energy Research and Project Officer, APSE