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APSE Transport and Waste Seminar 2021

About the event

Transport - Wednesday 20 October

Local Authority Fleet operations are the essential element in ensuring the continued delivery of front-line Council services. The past 18 months have placed a heavy burden on all Council services, requiring ingenuity and resilience to overcome the effects of COVID-19. To ensure well run in-house fleet and maintenance services stay ahead of the game, this seminar brings together the elements that influence future success.

Speakers will cover the national picture, the regulatory context, human, financial and legal issues and strategies for maintaining efficient operations. The seminar will also take a look at innovation, the transition to cleaner fuels, regulation and ensuring continued efficient delivery of fleet services.

Transport Programme

Rob Bailey, Principal Advisor, APSE
Laura Great-Rex, Head of Enforcement Office, DVSA
Jack Barrratt, ULEV Project Officer, Nottingham City Coucil 
Simon Hyde, Managing Director, Faun Zoller 
Nick Bridle, Senior Industry Consultant, Assetworks 
David Price, Municipal Vehicle Sales Manager, DAF Trucks 


Waste, Recycling and Street Scene - Thursday 21st October

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If the pandemic has taught local authorities anything, it is the importance of collective action and the importance of some of our assets which have previously been overlooked such as parks and greenspaces.

However, perhaps the most visible local authority service has been waste collection and recycling. Throughout the pandemic these services have been consistently delivered, much to the appreciation of local residents and businesses.

This being one of APSE’s first physical seminars since lockdown, it will be looking at how Waste and Recycling collection are like so many services, having to change their approaches due to the need to meet climate change targets and deliver more affordable and effective services. Both new technology and service reviews will be considered as means to achieve these requirements.

Waste Programme



Wayne Priestley, Principal Advisor, APSE
Andy Mudd, Head of APSE Solutions
Michelle Ellis, CCTV & Building Security Manager, Wakefield Council
Rob Gilliot, Team Manager Waste and Recycling, West Lindsey District Council

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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