Wednesday 4th July 2018
LBHF Town Hall
King Street
W6 9JU
This event will look at the topic of energy services companies. We will hear about the nature of ESCos, what they are for, the benefits and barriers as well as examples of where they have been set up.
Speakers include Steve Cirell, APSE Associate and author of the APSE Energy Publication ‘Energy Services Companies, White Label arrangements and their role in local government’, Rob Purdon, Head of Contract Management talking about the Robin Hood Energy journey and Jeff Laidler talking about Energetik, LB Enfield Council’s ESCo for heat amongst other speakers.
ESCOs – a way forward
Steve Cirell, APSE Associate
An ESCO for heat
Jeff Laidler, Head of Sustainability, LB Enfield
Risk and legal vehicles
Richard Auton, Partner, Walker Morris
The process and emerging issues
Rob Purdon, Contract Manager, Robin Hood Energy
Establishing an ESCO
Steve Cirell APSE Associate