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APSE / ASSIST Better Eating, Better Learning seminar

APSE Scotland Better Eating, Better Learning seminar

A new context for school food
Apex Waterloo Place Hotel, Edinburgh
Thursday 22 May 2014

View Full Seminar Information

Seminar objectives

Building on the progress of the Hungry for Success 2003 report, Better Eating, Better Learning: a new context for school food is set to make real change in how school food and food education is delivered by local authorities.

With an innovative whole-school approach that uses school food to teach children about topics such as nutrition and sustainability, brings new context to the roles of suppliers, teachers and catering staff, and aims to tackle many of Scotland’s prevailing health problems, local authorities will play a key part in helping to implement this whole-school approach across Scotland.

This seminar will provide all of this and more from many of the key figures behind the report such as Robin Gourlay and Hugh Fraser, the Chair of the Better Eating, Better Learning working group, as well as a number of experts from a range of different fields.


BEBL Policy into Practice overview
Robin Gourlay, Public Sector Food Policy Lead, Scottish Government

School food: is it incidental or driving forward strategic issues?
Rory Mair, Chief Executive, COSLA

Workshop A - School Food Provision and Sustainability
Robin Gourlay, Public Sector Food Policy Lead, Scottish Government & Lynne Carter, Learning Directorate, Scottish Government

Workshop B - Food & Learning: Dining room to classroom
Julia McCreadie, Operations Manager (FM), Cordia (Services) LLP & Shirley Beattie, Health & Nutrition Inspection, Education Scotland

Workshop C - Health - Partnership - Learning
Andrew Kennedy, Acting Head of Facilities Management, East Ayrshire Council & Claire Hislop, Development Manager - Food & Health, NHS Health Scotland


Better Eating, Better Learning: A New Context for School Food

Better Eating, Better Learning Self-Evaluation Tool

Scottish Government - School Lunches - Useful Resources

APSE Better Eating, Better Learning briefing



Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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