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APSE Housing, construction and building maintenance seminar 2016

APSE Housing, construction and building maintenance seminar 2016

View the full seminar programme here 

The context for housing and building maintenance services continues to develop at a rapid pace. The range of topics which impact on local authority services is vast whilst the need for managers to keep abreast of developments in order to provide a tenant centred service remains key.

This seminar will look at a number of these key themes whilst balancing strategic and operational topics. The supply of housing is a topic which continues to have a high profile following the general election. There will be presentations from local authorities who have established innovative ways of encouraging development for the benefit of the local population. There will also be a presentation on new approaches to bring empty properties back into use.

Speakers will be predominantly from local authorities and ALMOs all of whom have experience and expertise of service delivery in difficult times and of managing change. The popular approach of concentrating on case studies will continue and the description of how issues are addressed within specific organisations by managers with similar experience and responsibilities to the audience will remain as an appropriate method of interaction between the speaker and audience.


Speaker presentations:

Homes for All; Findings of the APSE / TCPA Research

Speaker: Mo Baines, APSE, Head of Communication and Coordination


Setting up a local housing company

Speaker: Elizabeth Wood, Walker Morris


Homes for a £1 – Liverpool’s innovation to bring homes back into use

Speaker: Tony Mousdale , Empty Homes Manager, Liverpool City Council


Harrogate – New build council homes

Speaker: Madeleine Bell, Head of Housing and Property, Harrogate Borough Council


Managing your stores service

Speaker: Colin McInnes, APSE Solutions Associate


Adopting a strategy for sustainable energy in social housing

Speaker: Jon Andrews, Planned Works Manager, Housing Leeds, Leeds City Council


The Downsizer Initiative – freeing up family homes

Speaker: Clive Skidmore, Head of Housing Development, Birmingham City Council


Speed dating: Getting your tenants in new homes fast!

Speaker: Ray Noble, WeLink Energy


Using new technologies to save money and generate income

Speaker: Willie O’Brien, Building Services Co-ordinator, South Lanarkshire Council


Gas safe register – are you compliant?

Speaker: Kevin Winship, Gas Safe

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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