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Transformation Tools: Appraising and delivering an in-house model of service delivery

Thursday 1st March 2018
Hackney Town Hall, Mare Street, E8 1EA


View the programme here



In a context of ongoing change and uncertainty around resource and future service demands, service delivery models which afford greater flexibility to make savings and manage costs such as an in-house service and other more direct management options are increasingly under consideration.


This seminar will look at case studies of three Councils who have insourced aspects of their service provision and explore the skills and knowledge base needed to manage this process and associated risks successfully.  It will also include the outcomes of the APSE Insourcing survey, which has sought to identify the scope of local authority services being bought back under local authority control.  The day will also outline how one can appraise the in-house option and adequately assess it within a full options appraisal.


The day is an ideal opportunity for any one involved in making recommendations for service delivery and assessing new delivery models.  It will also be ideal for service managers looking to gather information about the management of an in-house service and who would like to build their skills in undertaking effective options’ appraisals for new approaches to service delivery.


A unique opportunity to access support and expertise in assessing delivery models and to consider the development of an in-house service, we look forward to welcoming you to Hackney Town Hall on Thursday 1st March.



Insourcing in 2017/18 – Outcomes of the APSE Insourcing survey

Speaker:  Mo Baines, Head of Communication & Coordination, Association of Public Service


Why insource property services?

Speaker:  Mark Bradbury, Associate Director - Capital Assets, Southampton City Council


Waste management and recycling services

Speaker:  Claire Harvey, Waste & Recycling Manager, Thurrock Council


Insourcing Parks and Open Spaces – The Tower Hamlets’ Journey

Speaker:  Matthew Twohig, Green Team Coordinator, London Borough of Tower Hamlets


Models of Delivery at Hackney Council

Speaker:  Mark Griffin, Head of Environment and Waste Strategy, Hackney Council


Presentation on behalf of event sponsors Nexus Vehicle Rental

Speaker: Mike Palmer, Client Development Director


Appraising the In-house option

Speaker:  Paddy Knowles, Senior Consultant Association for Public Service Excellence


Delivering the In-house option

Speaker:  Hayley Hammick, HR Advisor, Southampton City Council




Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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