Association for Public Service Excellence
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APSE Diversity, People and Places Online Seminar

Kindly Sponsored by:


As a result of the worldwide “Black Lives Matter” protests, which led to the incident in Bristol and the removal of the statue of Edward Colston, the roles that local authorities play in addressing issues around inequality has never been more significant. Authorities have continued to explore and review the parts they can play in tackling issues around inequality, improving diversity, combating racial disparities as well as exploring strategic perspectives, which can lead to improved opportunities for black and minority ethnic communities.

This seminar will explore how we can tackle inequality, improve diversity, combat racial disparities and fairness in a post-Covid economy. 

APSE will be live tweeting from the event @apseeventsYou can follow the conversation using the hashtag #APSEdiversity 

View the programme here

Who should attend?

  • Leaders
  • Chief executives  
  • Elected members
  • Service directors
  • Scrutiny Members
  • Executive Members and Cabinet officeholders
  • Policy officers
  • Trade union representatives
  • Voluntary organisations
  • All those with an interest in developing or improving solutions to address social inclusion, Communities, Equalities and Partnerships

Speaker Presentations:

A recovery for all: The role of local councils in ensuring fairness in post-covid-19 recovery - 

Mo Baines, APSE Head of Communication and Coordination

Beyond Rhetoric: The Luton Council Experience - 

Councillor Jacqui Burnett, Executive Member for Traded Services, Luton Council

Bristol City Council: Naming review of public assets due to legacies of British African Slaveownership due to the removal of the Edward Colston statue - 

Councillor Asher Craig, Deputy Mayor, Bristol City Council

A word from our sponsor: Olivia Cooper, Head of Practice (Interim & Executive Search), Commercial Services Group and Diversity & Inclusion 

London Borough of Hackney: Embedding Diversity and Equality in Local Government

Communications - 

Polly Cziok, Director of Communications, Culture, and Engagement, London Borough of Hackney

Birmingham City Council: Working to be a real equal opportunity employer:

Cllr John Cotton Cabinet member for social inclusion, Community Safety and Equalities, Birmingham City Council

Improving opportunities for children and young people - 

Minister Kemoy Walker, FdA Education, NPQML, PTLLS


Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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