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Trees and Woodlands Seminar

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APSE held its first Trees and Woodlands Seminar in October 2020 which, as well as being timely, also proved very popular.

The focus on trees and woodlands and the benefits they bring has only heightened since this time, particularly now that Government has set a target which will aim to treble current tree planting rates by the end of this current Parliament, the delivery of which will be the responsibility of a wide variety of organisations, including local authorities.


State of the UK’s Woods and Trees 2021 – Key Findings and Priority Actions
Dr. Karen Hornigold, Conservation Evidence Advisor and Christine Reid, Principal Conservation Adviser, Woodland Trust

How aerial survey technology is helping to shape the future tree scape of the UK
Kathryn Lucas, Bluesky International Ltd.

Growing a Green City – An Urban Forest Master Plan for the 21st Century
Simon Needle, TechArborA, Principal Arboriculturist / Principal Ecologist, City Design and Conservation Team, Birmingham City Council

Connected asset management: transforming how you monitor, manage and maintain your tree, woodland and green space assets
Rob Jackson, Regional Manager, North, Yotta

Creating areas of new woodlands – the Plymouth and South Devon Community Forest
Chris Avent, Green Estate Manager, Strategic Planning and Infrastructure, Plymouth City Council

Tiny Forests – small spaces – big benefits
Maria Pontes, Director of Programmes and Partnerships at Earthwatch Europe & Tim Newton, Greener Cleaner Programme, Doncaster Council

“Wirral’s Tree, Woodland and Hedgerow Strategy – the commitment to doubling Wirral’s tree canopy”
Mike Cockburn, Head of Service – Environment and Climate Emergency (Int), Neighbourhood Services, Mike Anders and Nicola Wallbank Wirral Council

Woodmeadows: How incorporating multiple habitats into new and existing woodlands increases biodiversity and amenity value.
Dan Carne, Woodmeadow Officer, Woodmeadow Trust

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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