APSE State of the Market 2022 – Street Cleansing and the ongoing impacts of COVID-19
Wayne Priestley, Principal Advisor, APSE
Towards a Litter-Free Scotland – Developing the National Litter and Flytipping Strategy
Dr. Sarah Letsinger, Zero Waste Policy Officer, Scottish Government
Local Streets Paved With Gold
Craig Fuller, Director, Sales, Roadvert
Developing and Growing Volunteers throughout a Pandemic
Eddie Curry, Head of Public Realm, Nottingham City Council
Climate Change and Street Cleansing
Stuart Russo, Senior Technical Officer, City of Bradford Council
Reviewing and improving service delivery – ‘the Rochdale approach’
Gerard Proudman, Contracts and Commercial Unit Manager, Rochdale Borough Council
How COVID has identified the need for flexible and multi-area street cleansing plans
Mike Cockburn, Assistant Director – Parks & Environment (Int), Wirral Council
Streetscene – How Are We Performing?
Debbie Johns, APSE Head of Performance Networks
APSE’s first live Street Cleansing Seminar since 2020 promises to provide delegates with the opportunity to hear about the latest developments in the street cleansing field as well as showcase the latest products and technology, and thankfully, allow colleagues to network in person rather than via a laptop screen.
The seminar will aim to show how local authorities are changing service delivery in innovative ways and using partner and community support thus allowing more sustainable services to be delivered.
The seminar will also look at how new powers and legislation in Scotland is being considered in order to help Scottish local authorities reduce the anti-social behaviour of those who show disregard for the cleanliness of the local environment.
It is therefore intended to provide delegates with the latest information together with examples of innovation and real life case studies, which will equip local authorities for the forthcoming challenges facing their services.