Association for Public Service Excellence
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The Big Energy Summit

The Big Energy Summit

26 and 27 February 2015
Oulton Hall, Leeds

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Summit Partners

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Realising Transition Pathways launched a report 'Distributing Power: A transition to a civic energy future' at The Big Energy Summit. Click here to view.

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Reflections on the Energy Summit   



Welcome from the Sponsor
Steve Edwards, British Solar Renewables


Day 1 Session 1

Peter Barton-Wood, Energy Efficiency Deployment Office, DECC

Ian Stephenson, Chief Executive, Derbyshire County Council

Nina Skorupsa, Chief Executive, Renewable Energy Association

Dr Stephen Hall, University of Leeds

Diane Smith, Head of European Affairs, Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA SPECIAL Project)


Day 1 Session 2

John Harrison, Corporate Director of Resources, Peterborough City Council

Andy Vaughan and Gail Scholes, Nottingham City Council

David Kilduff, Senior Partner and Richard Auton, Director, Walker Morris LLP


Day 1 Strategic Forums

(a) Generating Heat - Opportunities for renewable heat

Colin Rowland, Southampton City Council 

Steve Luker, APSE Energy Consultant

(b) Retail and supply

Dr. Richard Williams, Southampton University

(c) Communities and energy

Ruth Binny, Local Partnerships Manager, DECC

Cllr. Gavin Elsey, Peterborough City Council

Louise Marix Evans, Quantum Strategy and Technology Ltd


Evening Meal Guest Speaker
David Anderson, Vice President of Business Development, Ameresco 


Day 2 Strategic Forums

(a) Overcoming grid issues and the potential for electricity storage

Steve Edwards, Technical Director and Simon Roberts, Director of Grid for British Solar Renewables

Marc Wyn, Asset Utilities

Dr. Jacky Lawrence, Warwickshire CC

(b) Bankable projects: Financing energy schemes

Julian Brooks, Strategy Director for Community Heat & Power & Business Development Director for Brooks Development Practice

David Kilduff, Walker Morris LLP & Chris Garside, SDCL

(c) Energy Efficiency and local authorities

Dr Steven Fawkes EnergyPro Ltd.

Andrew Herbert, Yorkshire Energy Services


Day 2 Session 1

Dr Jeffrey Hardy, Acting Head of Sustainable Energy Strategy Consumers & Sustainability, Ofgem

Mark Bramah, Director of APSE Energy

Mick Lovatt, Corporate Director of Environment, Preston City Council



Seminar objectives:

APSE Energy is pleased to announce the first ever local government energy summit to be held at the exclusive venue of Oulton Hall near Leeds on Thursday 26 February and Friday 27 February 2015. This strategy summit has been organised for the members of APSE Energy to consider responses to the big energy challenges facing councils; review progress to date and the key policy issues impacting on local authorities and; to develop forward planning for members of the energy collaboration. Amongst the key themes to be discussed are:

  • The policy environment for energy looking beyond the next General Election at potential developments.
  • Current issues relating to renewable power generation.
  • Generating heat
  • Grid constraints and solutions
  • Community Energy
  • Establishing ESCOs – powers and purposes
  • Finance and investment vehicles
  • Developing a strategy to deliver the APSE Energy vision.


Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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