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APSE Street Cleansing Seminar 2017

Street Cleansing Seminar 2017

Street Cleaning – Can we afford to pick up the costs?
Thursday 16th February 2017
National Conference Centre, Solihull


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Seminar Objectives

Continuing budget cuts are now beginning to take their toll with public satisfaction levels falling as local authorities try to cope with less resources. With this in mind the seminar looks how through better planning at both national and local level, services can still deliver the quality local environments we all aspire to.

The seminar will show how national government and local authorities are meeting these challenges and changing service delivery in innovative ways which allow more sustainable services to be delivered.

The aim of the seminar is therefore to provide delegates with the latest information, examples of innovation and real-life case studies which together will equip local authorities for the forthcoming challenges facing their services.

APSE has brought together a wide variety of speakers who will explain to delegates how they have transformed policy into practice to achieve these changes.

The seminar is planned to allow considerable time for debate and questions.


Session 1

The DEFRA National Litter Strategy for England
Wayne Priestley, APSE

Results of the APSE State of the Market Survey for Street Cleansing 2017
Mo Baines, APSE

Neat Streets: Tackling litter through changing behaviours
Rebecca Dove, Managing Director, Hubbub

Maintaining Clean Spaces - Challenges & Opportunities
Rachel Campbell, Clean Up Britain


Session 1

Improving local environmental quality through innovative community involvement projects
Tara Dumas, Trafford Borough Council

Practical solutions to littering
Rachel Scarisbrick, Keep Britain Tidy

Delivering seven days a week services - a realistic option?
Chris Camfield, Reading Borough Council


Session 1

Supporting delivery of the Scottish National Litter Strategy
David Barnes, Zero Waste Scotland

Proactive behavioural change initiatives in local environmental quality management
Andrew McCartan, Wirral Council

Developing Integrated Street scene Service with reference to case studies
Dave Henrys, APSE Associate




Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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