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The Big Energy Summit 2019


Energising local government

Hilton Hotel, Warwick/Stratford upon Avon, Stratford Road, Warwickshire CV34 6RE
Thursday 14 & Friday 15 March 2019 

APSE Energy members are entitled to 2 free places for the Summit which covers all delegate fees, accommodation and meals

We welcome non-members too so please take a look at the attached agenda and come along or call me to discuss membership


Summit Agenda                             


Helping local authorities engage with energy!

APSE Energy is running its 5th annual BIG Energy Summit!

The theme of the Summit is ‘Energising local government’ with a focus on hearing about projects that have been successful, the approach taken by those putting projects into action, the problems they have overcome, the policy context and the support that can get you, or keep your council, moving. The municipalisation of energy continues to develop and this summit is aimed at encouraging that movement.


Day One

Phil Brennan, Head of APSE Energy

Session One

Get on with it!
Danny Mather, Warrington Borough Council


Session Two

Road transports ‘Road to Zero’ emissions
Jon Bray, Policy Advisor - Local Delivery Team, OLEV

Getting your hands dirty…
Wayne Bexton, Nottingham City Council

What will the future bring?
Dr. Anthony Woolcock, Energy Systems Catapult


Session Three

Here’s one we prepared earlier…lessons from real projects
Peter Walker, APSE Energy Associate

Good practice from Durham – a councillor perspective
Cllr John Clare, Durham County Council


Session Four: Workshops

Workshop 1: Addressing heat Enfield style
Ieman Barmaki, Enfield Council

Workshop 2: Is your council getting value from your energy provider?
Mike Chan, Director, BEOND Group

Workshop 3: Energy efficiency – what next?
Duncan McCombie, Chief Executive, YES Energy


Session Five

Getting to the point of delivery
Victoria Bradley, Walker Morris Solicitors

The energy opportunity
Cllr Archie Dryburgh, Dumfries and Galloway Council


Day Two

Session One

Domestic Retrofit
Simon Ayers, Chief Executive, TrustMark

Strategic projects and individual benefits
Samantha Nicol, Bristol Energy

LEP regional energy hubs
James Johnson, Manager, Local North West Energy Hub


Session Three: Workshops

Workshop 4: Accessing the grid - A learning experience
Dr. Jacky Lawrence, Warwickshire County Council

Workshop 5: Domestic PV post FiTs
Dr Richard Williams, Southampton University

Workshop 6: Why make investments in energy and renewables?
Roy Nolan, Head of Public Sector Liaison, RP Martin

Session Four

Local authorities and the national grid
Nigel Turvey, Western Power Distribution

What are you doing about energy?
Steve Cirell, APSE Energy Associate


Phil Brennan, Head of APSE Energy

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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