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‘Waste heroes’ – the drive to deliver key services in the face of a pandemic


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Friday 24 July 10.30 AM  to 12.30  PM  

‘Waste heroes’ – the drive to deliver key services in the face of a pandemic

An online event for  waste, recycling and street scene directors and senior managers and interested elected members


This event aims to inform attendees about the experiences, challenges and solutions local authority waste and street scene managers have faced and had to develop in the face of the current pandemic. 
With guidance and advice changing almost on a daily basis, managers and staff alike have had to cope with ensuring service continuity, whilst at the same time making sure both staff and service users are kept safe.

The speakers will look at a wide range of topics from developing risk assessments, introducing greater levels of digitisation, creating communications campaigns, negotiating with unions and making service decisions which collectively have helped keep these key services in a state which allowed residents to be confident that their waste would be dealt with and further public health issues would be avoided.

The Seminar will therefore be a must attend event to ensure managers and staff alike are aware of the latest developments in these challenging times.


This event was kindly sponsored by:



The ongoing need to develop risk assessments and guidance notes to ensure service continuity in the face of a pandemic

Adam Thompson, Health and Safety and Emergency Resilience Advisor, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council


Changing behaviour to reduce littered gum

Rob Moore, Director, Behaviour Change


How the creation of a recycling app has opened up council services to residents

Emlyn Nash, Corporate Customer Services Manager, Cardiff Council


Ensuring service continuity in the face of the coronavirus - The Colchester Experience

Rosa Tanfield, Group Manager - Neighbourhood Services, Colchester Borough Council


Providing waste and recycling service during the pandemic: (working with 3 in a cab)

Michelle Thompson, Neighbourhood Service Street Manager, East Renfrewshire Council



Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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