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Loving the Local: The role of councils in our High Streets and Town Centres

APSE Online Seminar 

9th and 10th July 2020 10:00 – 12:15 PM

View the programme here

Opening Remarks: Paul O’Brien, APSE Chief Executive
Post Covid-19: Where to now for the future of our High Streets?

Responding to change: Looking to 2030
Dr. Steven Millington, Senior Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University

The Value of the Retail Sector to Local Economies: A retail industrial strategy
Dave McCrossen, Deputy General Secretary, USDAW

Culture and Tourism: Wakefield District Council
Cllr Darren Byford, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economic Growth, Wakefield Metropolitan District Council

Healthier High Streets: Gateshead Council
Anneliese Hutchinson, Service Director, Development and Public Protection, Gateshead Council


A market town revived: The story of Altrincham: Trafford Council
Richard Roe, Corporate Director of Place, Trafford Council

Climate Change and High Streets
Mo Baines, APSE Head of Communities

The Value of Markets to our High Streets and Town Centres
David Preston, Chief Executive, National Association of British Markets Authorities

Getting the operational frontline right in an event-led centre
Richard Beddard, Markets and Town Centre Cleansing Manager, Stockton on Tees Council


The Positive Parking Agenda: The British Parking Association
Alison Tooze, British Parking Association

Walkable and Local: The Role of Active Travel
Stephen Edwards, Director of Policy and Communications, Living Streets

Special Guest Speaker: Bill Grimsey

Bill Grimsey, retail guru and former chief officer in many high street chains including Wickes, Iceland and Hutchison Whampoa's Park n' Shop supermarket chain in Hong Kong will be joining this online seminar with his latest thoughts on the future of the UK High Street.

The Grimsey Review, published in 2013 led to his appointment as an advisor on the revival of High Streets and Town Centres which suggested that the UK had too much retail space and that the centres of cities and towns should focus on becoming community spaces. The report was updated in 2018 and Mr Grimsey has recently published his thoughts on the High Street in light of the health pandemic impact on the UK. Bill also authored the book ‘Sold Out' on the state of the UK High Streets.

Grimsey COVID-19 Supplement

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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