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The Big Housing Retrofit Summit - 13/14 October

The Big Housing Retrofit Summit - 13/14 October

Delivering affordable and sustainable homes in a changing world


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About the Event 

With many councils having declared climate emergencies and now implementing strategies to achieve net zero targets, there is a sharp focus being placed on council owned housing stock and the need to retrofit homes.  However, this comes at a time when local authority building maintenance services are facing huge challenges such as financial pressures and skills and workforce shortages.

This seminar brings together a range of expert speakers that will explore the approaches and innovation that local authorities are adopting to retrofitting their housing stock to ensure that the homes are sustainable for the future to the benefit of tenants and communities.

The event also presents an excellent opportunity for delegates to network face to face, share best practice and gain an overview of how other authorities from across the UK are meeting the challenges head on.

The Apprentice Awards are a platform to recognise the work that Apprentices and councils have demonstrated over the last year and to celebrate their success.


Local authority retrofitting
Mo Baines, APSE

Building a competent and capable workforce
Arnout Andrews, Retrofit Academy

Good homes for all
Henry Smith, Centre for Ageing Better

Decarbonising the heat supply to social housing
Andrew Frew, Northern Ireland Housing Executive

Dudley Greener Homes, Greener Lives
Helen Langley, Dudley Council

Retrofitting Manchester
Martin Oldfield, Manchester City Council

Engaging with tenants
Tom Spencer and Nicola de-Beaufort, Stockport Homes

Replacing gas powered heat with ground sourced heat pumps
Andrea Pearce, Your Homes Newcastle and Colin White, Newcastle City Council

Installing an innovative technology into council properties – Wigans Thermocil Experience
Peter Shaw, Operational Manager-Delivery, Wigan Council

APSE State of the Market – Building Maintenance
Vickie Hacking, APSE

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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