Produced in association with the REA
The Merton Rule was the first time a prescriptive policy had been written into an adopted local planning document. It was a ground breaking planning policy, developed by Merton Council, which required new developments to generate at least 10% of their energy needs from on-site renewable energy equipment, in order to help reduce annual carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the built environment. The rule applied to all types of buildings, not just homes. Merton Council developed the rule and adopted it in 2003. Since then the Mayor of London and many councils implemented it, and it became part of national planning guidance.
There is confusion over whether the policy can be used currently due to government announcements related to the Housing Standards Review and the recommendations to abolish the Code for Sustainable Homes and the repeal of the Planning and Energy Act 2008. This pamphlet outlines the current situation.
This report is only available for APSE Energy members, and is password protected. For more information, email Phil Brennan, Head of APSE Energy.