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APSE Scotland Soft Facilities Management Seminar 2021

View the programme here

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Information for delegates

We know that Climate change and sustainability agendas continue to be fast moving but it’s also important to highlight the vital role catering and cleaning services play in helping to deliver them.  The COVID-19 pandemic and the upcoming COP26 event in November of this year, has brought these agendas into even sharper focus.  These combined with the challenging financial position councils are facing are leading local authorities to review and adapt their services, all with a continued focus on the climate change agenda.

This seminar brings together a range of expert speakers that will explore topics such as Scotland’s approach to climate change, the importance of food systems, the impact climate change will have on cleaning services moving forward.  As well as some best practice examples of how local authorities are helping to play an important role in changing behaviours.

This online event also presents an excellent opportunity for delegates to share knowledge and experiences in order to gain an overview of how colleagues across Scotland are meeting the challenges.



Delivering Dundee's Climate Action Plan
Councillor Mark Flynn, Dundee City Council

COP26 and the importance of food systems for a just transition
Pete Ritchie, Executive Director, Nourish Scotland

What impact will climate change have on catering and cleaning in the next 5 years?
Professor Peter Styring, Director of the UK Centre for Carbon Dioxide Utilization, University of Sheffield

Minimising the impact of cleaning products on our environment
Nicky Biggart, UK Janitorial Sales Manager, Evans Vanodine International

How Shetland Islands catering service is helping to respond to climate change
Neil Beattie, Team Leader - Cleaning and Catering Department, Shetland Islands Council

Tackling climate change within East Lothian Council
Vanessa Sanal, Services Manager - Facilities Management Services and Jennifer Lothian, Sustainable Energy & Climate Change Officer, East Lothian Council

UN Sustainable Development Goals: A whole school approach
Denise MacColl, Head Teacher, Logan Primary and Early Childhood Centre

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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