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APSE Communications & Social Media Seminar 2018

View the full programme here

Tuesday 23rd January 2018
Seminar Objectives:  
APSE is pleased to announce this unique opportunity to explore the developing role of Social Media in Council communications, how it can help shape residents’ perspectives and levels of local engagement and provide a window of insight in to Council activities, building relationship with local communities.  
Hosted at Hertsmere Borough Council’s Elstree Studios, this seminar will include the outcome of the APSE Social Media State of the Market Survey 2017, case studies of how digital communications have supported the delivery of Council objectives in Environmental services, tips and tools for increasing your reach on Social Media and explore how we can effectively promote and market Council services online.   
Speakers include Jon- Paul Hedge, Director of Communications and Marketing at Exeter City Council examining how we can use Council Communications to build a sense of place identity, Liz Gore and Aaron Niblett, Policy Manager and Parks Officer at Hertsmere Borough Council to explore how online communications can equip and encourage residents to engage with local Parks, Andrew Martin Head of Dorset Highways outlining the effective use of Infographics and blogs to support the delivery of Highways and Winter Maintenance and Kerry Murray, Senior Communications officer, West Sussex County Council detailing the success of the Council’s award winning communications campaign, ‘Think before you throw’. 
The day will also feature a series of roundtable discussions, to facilitate peer-to -peer, learning.  Packed full of ideas and forward-thinking initiatives, we look forward to gathering again at Elstree Studios to explore with like-minded colleagues the role, value and changing nature of local authority communications in 2018.
Who should attend? 
Chief Executives
Service Directors – Policy and Communications
Service Directors - Environmental Services
Executive Members - Policy and Communications
Executive Members - Environmental Services
Communications Officers 
Resident Engagement Officers
Policy Officers
Elected members 
Trade union representatives

How is Local Government making use of Social Media?

Speaker: Mo Baines, Head of Communication and Coordination, APSE


Communications to support people and places

Speaker: Jon-Paul Hedge, Director of Communications and Marketing, Exeter City Council


How can we raise public awareness of local Parks and Open Spaces?

Speaker: Liz Gore, Policy Manager and Aaron Niblett, Parks Project Officer, Hertsmere Borough Council


Social media and online communications in Highways services

Speaker: Andrew Martin, Head of Dorset Highways Operations, Dorset County Council


Communications to help to engage residents in recycling and waste minimisation

Speakers: Vanessa Kelly & Sheridan Kerr, Executive Officer & Waste Minimisation

Officer, Northamptonshire Waste Partnership & Northamptonshire County Council


Tips and Techniques to grow your audience

Speaker: Tom Jennings, Senior Communications Officer, Oxford City Council


Promoting and Marketing council services online

Speaker: Liz Shellard, Web Manager, City and County of Swansea Council



Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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