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The Big Energy Summit 2016

The Big Energy Summit 2016

Thursday 26th and Friday 27th May 2016
Walton Hall Hotel & Spa, Warwickshire, CV35 9HU

Summit Partner


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Summit Objectives

APSE Energy is pleased to announce the BIG ENERGY SUMMIT 2016. This year’s event will be held at the exclusive venue of Walton Hall Hotel & Spa in Warwickshire on Thursday 26 May and Friday 27 May 2016.

This strategy summit has been organised for the members of APSE Energy to consider responses to the big energy challenges facing councils; review progress to date; develop forward planning for members of the energy collaboration and address the key policy issues impacting on local authorities.

Amongst the key themes to be discussed are:

  • the policy environment
  • new business models
  • future directions
  • energy efficiency
  • the planning system
  • energy storage
  • procurement issues
  • building a business
  • generating heat

The BIG ENERGY SUMMIT is an important event in the calendar for the energy collaboration and each member local authority will be entitled to 2 FREE places, which includes full attendance at the summit, the networking dinner on 26th May and accommodation at the hotel.

I would encourage lead elected members to attend alongside the relevant director or senior officer.

The summit is designed to be interactive in order to enable members to contribute to the discussions, ask questions and share and learn. A full programme, with themes and speakers will be published shortly.

To view APSE Energy Member Authorities CLICK HERE


Day 1

Session one: Strategy

An Introduction to the Summit
Phil Brennan, Acting Head of APSE Energy

Future of energy policy
Patrick Allcorn, DECC

Non-traditional business models and the future of the retail energy market
Kevin Baillie, Policy Manager - Improving Regulation, OFGEM

Solar systems and meeting future energy needs
Eduardo Aguilar, WE Link

Session two: Municipal Energy Models

Case study 1: Robin Hood energy
Jo Gilbert, Industry Consultant, Robin Hood Energy

Case study 2: Cheshire East and Fairer Power
Matt O’Neill, Innovation & Growth Manager, Skills & Growth Company (Cheshire East Council)

Case study 3: Peterborough energy
John Harrison, Executive Director of Resourses, Peterborough City Council


Workshop 1 Heat Networks
Ian Booth, Chief Executive Officer, Aberdeen Heat and Power

Workshop 2 Energy Efficiency
Ben Burfoot, Sustainability Manager, Reading Borough Council

Workshop 3 Community Energy
Jo Colwell, Environmental and Sustainability Manager, Oxford City Council

Workshop 4 Social housing
Steve Cirell, APSE Associate

Session three: Strategy alternative

The medium term strategy and the local authority market for renewables
Steve Cirell, APSE Associate

Day 2

Session four: Progress across the sector

Energy's strategic legal partner Private sector and public sector – the added value of working together
Nina Skorupska, Chief Executive, REA

Development of energy storage and its impact on renewable energy
Ray Noble, APSE Associate

Taking forward heat networks
Guy Boulby, Head of Heat Networks Policy, DECC


Workshop 5 Working with DNOs and capacity issues
Marc Wynn, APSE Associate

Workshop 6 Heat Network (Metering & Billing) Regulations
David Gilbey, Business Development Manager, UX Energy Services

Workshop 7 Building a business case
Peter Walker, APSE Associate

Session five: Future perspectives

The democratisation of energy and local authorities
Dr Richard Williams, Senior Research Fellow, Southampton University

Industrialised zero carbon housing
Cesar Martinell, Chairman, Barcelona Housing Systems

Next steps for APSE Energy
Phil Brennan, Acting Head of APSE Energy, APSE


Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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