The circular economy is a phrase which is being mentioned in many quarters, whether this be waste management, resource management, levels of production, social enterprises, climate change planning or energy management, to name but a few. In fact, the circular economy can mean many different things to different people.
The meeting is an ideal opportunity for officers, elected members and local authority partners and trade unions to hear how the aims and objectives of the circular economy are being addressed by local authorities in the north of England and beyond. The approaches highlighted are very much focused on how we deal with, or indeed, avoid the creation of waste.
It is hoped delegates will find a great deal of useful information to take away with them, and with so many challenges facing local authorities, then meetings such as this will help provide guidance and opportunities to speak with fellow colleagues about the ways in which solutions are being developed.
The Circular Economy – Setting A UK Perspective
Wayne Priestley, APSE Principal Advisor