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APSE Environmental services seminar 2015

APSE Environmental services seminar 2015

View the full seminar programme here

The APSE annual Environment Seminar aims to provide delegates with the latest up to date service ideas and improvements in the areas of waste and recycling, refuse collection, transport management, street scene, street cleansing, parks and grounds maintenance. This year we are looking how through innovation and income generation, many of the speakers have been able to achieve service efficiencies and improve service quality whilst continuing to meet service user needs. This approach referred to as municipal entrepreneurialism is a key strategic driver for APSE in helping its members continue to deliver excellence and sustainability in their front-line services.

The seminar will bring together elected members, officers and other key stakeholders from across the wide range of environmental services featured in this event to share thoughts and views on how they are meeting the growing financial challenges and public demands being placed upon them. In addition, case study workshops will be held on both days to offer the opportunity to discuss in more detail issues which are currently high on environmental service agendas.

The seminar will also feature the APSE Apprentice of the Year Award for transport and also for horticulture, which as every year has attracted a large number of entries from local authorities across the UK.


Day 1 Presentations

John Quinn, President
Chartered Institution of Waste Management

Janet Viney, HM Inspector of Health and Safety
Health and Safety Executive

Mo Baines, Head of Communications

Julia Richardson, Head of the Business Unit
GSPlus Royal Borough of Greenwich

Rachel Gray - Behaviour Change Manager

Glenn Stuart, Head of Waste Management
Bury Council

David Whitehouse, Project Manager
Warwickshire County Council


Day 1 Workshops

Mo Baines, Head of Communications

Peter Holinshead and Alan Green, Consultants
APSE Solutions


Day 2 Presentations 

Dr. William Bird MBE, CEO
Intelligent Health

Mark De Ath
The Amenity Forum

Andy Mudd, Head of APSE Solutions

Glenn Fleet, Group Manager - Waste Management
Warwickshire County Council

Damien Edgell, Senior City Centre Ranger
Swansea City Council

Peter Duncan, Allotment Officer
Fife Council

Joe Hayden, Ranger Service Manager
Birmingham City Council

Melvyn Cryer, Service Manager - Parks and Street Care
Gedling Borough Council

David Brown, Development Manager (Green Spaces)
Sandwell Council 


Day 2 Workshops

Andy Mudd, Head of APSE Solutions

Sue Radcliffe, Allotments Officer
Stoke-on-Trent City Council




Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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