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APSE Refuse, Streetscene, Transport, Grounds and Parks Seminar 2017

Local Authority Superheroes: Fighting for a quality environment
Old Swan Hotel, Harrogate 
19-20 October 2017


View the full programme here


Seminar Objectives

The APSE annual Environment Seminar aims to provide delegates with the latest up to date service ideas and improvements in the areas of waste and recycling, refuse collection, transport management, street scene, street cleansing, parks and grounds maintenance. Expert speakers will be looking at how, through the better use of data and the provision of clearer guidelines, these tools are helping services across the UK to achieve more effective outcomes. There will also be several case studies of how working with our communities and the promotion of volunteering opportunities has seen both service efficiencies and more customerfocused service delivery, particularly in hard to reach groups. Delegates will also hear about the need to continue to support apprenticeships and the benefits such roles can bring both now and in the future.

The seminar will bring together elected members, officers and other key stakeholders from across the wide range of environmental services featured in this event to share thoughts and views on how they are meeting the growing financial challenges and public demands being placed upon them. In addition, case study workshops will also be held to offer the opportunity to discuss in more detail issues which are currently high on environmental service agendas.

The seminar will also feature the APSE Apprentice of the Year Award for transport and also for horticulture, which as every year has attracted a large number of entries from local authorities across the UK.


Day One: Waste, Refuse, Recycling and Transport

Session 1:

APSE State of the Market Report 2017
Paul O’Brien Chief Executive, APSE

Why we should be proud of the recycling industries achievements
Wayne Priestley, Principal Advisor, APSE

Recycling guidelines & moving towards consistency
Jenny Robinson, ROTATE adviser, WRAP

Session 2:

Improvements to the delivery of fleet management maintenance
Tom Henderson, Service Manager Fleet Operations Assets, Transportation and Environment, Fife Council

Creating a community bus service
Dale Rowbotham, Strategic Waste and Operational Transport Manager, Stockton Council

Session 3:

The country’s best household waste recycling centres - 10 years on
Tom Turner, Waste Disposal Contracts Manager, South Tyneside Council

Creating financially sustainable waste and recycling services
Liz Mockeridge, Recycling and Waste Officer Guildford Borough Council

Session 4: Workshops

Workshop 1 - Optimisation 2.0 continued cost reductions & Managing Continued Cost Reductions and Improving Services
Janice Carrol, Waste and Enforcement Manager, Copeland Borough Council & Alistair Struthers, Director, Webaspx

Workshop 2- Future challenges for fleet managers
Pete Johnson, Services Manager, Wakefield Metropolitan Borough Council


Day Two: Street Cleansing, Parks and Public realm

Session 1: 

The creation of the Parks Action Group
Paul O’Brien Chief Executive, APSE

Maximising the value of parks: innovations and lessons from practice
Shaun Kiddell, Policy Adviser Parks and Post-Completion, Heritage Lottery Fund UK

Apprenticeships - the key to future service quality and sustainability
Barbara Ganley, Senior Funding Manager & Neil Bunch, Relationship Manager, Standards Development, Institute For Apprenticeships

The European ‘Grow Green’ Project and its wider links with improving Manchester’s parks and green spaces
Dave Barlow, Senior Policy Officer, Manchester City Council

Session 2: 

Creating the right environment for volunteers
Victoria Hudson, Community Development Manager, Leicester City Council

A behaviour change approach to reducing litter
Rebecca Dove, Managing Director Hubbub Enterprise Team

Improving service delivery in cleansing and parks
Steve White, Software Business Development Manager, Yotta

Session 3:

Antrim castle gardens - local gem to national treasure
Ursula Fay, Head of Arts and Culture, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council

Developing holistic environmental street scene services which meet the need of the local community
Liz Webster, Head of Environment and Housing, North Lincolnshire Council




Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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