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APSE Scotland Fleet, Waste and Grounds seminar 2022

17 to 20 May 2022
MacDonald Aviemore Highland Resort


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Seminar information

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Exhibitors List

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Session 1 - Transport responsibilities and part one of alternative fuels

Keynote address: Responsibilities of fleet managers and latest issues
Claire Gilmore, Traffic Commissioner for Scotland

In Aberdeen - hydrogen is here!
Pam Walker, Waste & Recycling Manager, Aberdeen City Council

Accelerating the energy transition
Andre Lagendijk, Sales Manager Europe, HYZON Motors


Session 2 - Scotland's revised National Litter and Flytipping Strategy - The need for a partnership working approach

Expert panel perspectives on the new revised strategy
Paul Wallace, Campaigns and Social Innovation Manager, Keep Scotland Beautiful
Craig Fraser, Policy Officer, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
Kim Young, Manager - Litter and Flytipping Prevention, Zero Waste Scotland
Stephen Egan, Head of Parks and Streetscene, Glasgow City Council

Session 3 - Food waste 10 years on

Food waste recycling - where are we now?
Alison McKinnie, Project Manager Organics, Zero Waste Scotland

Aberdeenshire's food waste collection method
Andy Sheridan, Team Manager, Collections and Street Cleansing, Aberdeenshire Council

Outer Hebrides Local Energy Hub (OHLEH) - Delivering a circular economy
David MacLeod, Head of Municipal Services, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Session 4 - Getting it right - reviewing and monitoring streetscene services

Undertaking our strategic review of play areas
Debbie Sutton, Amenities Manager, Highland Council

Monitoring streetscene through apps
Debbie Johns, Head of Performance Networks, APSE


Session 5 - Waste data and technology

Final destination - Tracking our waste
Andrew Sullivan, Principal Policy Officer, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency

Using technology to engage with our communities
John Morrison, Coordinator - Waste Strategy and Paul Dougall, Waste Management and Recycling Team Leader, South Ayrshire Council

Modernising Fife's waste collection service through technology
Sandy Anderson, Service Manager - Waste Operations and Shaun Kenyon, Team Manager for Waste Operations, Fife Council


Session 6 - Part two - Alternative fuels

Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (HVO): Can it be a stepping stone before going fully electric?
Pat Taggart, Fleet Service Manager, Falkirk Council

Electric fleets: how good are they? (available by request)
Dr Euan McTurk, Consultant Battery Electrochemist, Plug Life Consulting

Support with decarbonising your transport
Gordon Manson, Programme Manager - Technical Projects, Energy Saving Trust

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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