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APSE Northern Region Forum: Regeneration


Wednesday 21st March 2018

South Shields Town Hall, South Shields 


View the programme here


About the seminar

This seminar is an ideal opportunity for officers , managers,  elected members and trade unions and indeed anyone with an interest  in the regeneration of local areas

to attend and listen to expert practitioners explain how they are creating ‘local wealth’ via a wide variety of differing approaches and on-the ground projects.

There is a growing recognition that there is a need to stop the movement of skilled labour away from local areas to larger cities where opportunities and pay is greater.

Through more local regeneration, then stronger more resilient communities can be built and the economic regeneration of an area is key to this.

The seminar will look at how these problems have been recognised, and as well as recognising  how a strategic approach and partnership working  is crucial to future planning for regeneration, there will also be practical examples of where regeneration projects have reaped considerable benefits for local communities and begun to reduce the regional disparities which have been apparent in the past.

Using examples from within the Northern region local authorities and partners will look at how regeneration both economic, social and cultural can not only help protect communities from disintegrating, but also instil pride and belief in their long term futures.




The North East Local Enterprise Partnership - Promoting and Developing Economic Growth

Speaker: Ray Browning, Programme Manager, The North East Local Enterprise Partnership


Economic and physical regeneration in Oldham and Greater Manchester 

Speaker: Tom Stannard , Director of Economy and Skills, Oldham Council


Local Wealth Building- Developing Strong Resilient Local Communities

Speaker: Frances Jones, Associate Director, Centre for Local Economic Strategies


Regeneration in South Tyneside – Case Studies

Speakers: Paul Scrafton, Acting Corporate Director, Economic Regeneration, and John Sparkes, Head of Regeneration, South Tyneside Council

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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